Loretta " Little Iodine" Behrens - Derby Memoirs



Andrea Franklin

By Rich Besser


Where were you born?  And any brothers and sisters?

I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Yes I have one younger sister.

Do you remember the first time you put on your first pair of skates?

Yes.  My best friend bought these roller blades about 10 years ago when they just became very popular.  Since she had them, I had to get them!  I remember the 1st time on these skates I went down this hill, but I didn't know how to stop.  So I ended up landing into this mud pile.  Yep, I remember that so well!!

Who taught you how to skate?

I actually taught myself!  My parents met at a skating rink and they bought me my first pair of regular skates, (quads).  I had skated in my basement where I taught myself.

Did your family support you in your skating career?

Yes!  My parents loved to skate so they supported me in my skating career.

When did you start your first competition?  And did you win any trophies or awards?

It was in 1993 I became a speed skater and I skated with the Team Skater 2000.  This is where I would speed skate with other skaters.  I had always been placed and won some trophies, awards and ribbons.  I have won over 100 trophies and ribbons!

When did you start skating with in-lines?

As I said before about 10 years ago when roller blades just became popular.

How did you hear of Roller Jam?

A friend of mine who worked for a modeling agency called me to let me know that they were casting a television show for Roller Jam.  I came up from Miami to the Orlando area to tryout.  They made me skate and talk in front of a camera.  They had given me an offer and a week later I had moved to the Orlando area.

What were your thoughts the first time you saw Roller Jam's Banked Track?

It was a lot of fun.  I had skated on a bank track 4 to 5 months prior to Roller Jam.  They tried to make Roller Derby in the Ft. Lauderdale area.  This guy had a track and Faith Urban was the coach there.

Was it easy skating on the banked track?

I would say after that a few times on the track I got use to it.

Was the track slippery?

Yes it was very slippery, but I got use to it.

Who were some of your trainers?

Buddy Atkinson, Richard Brown, and Erwin Miller.  I learned mostly from Buddy Atkinson Jr.

Who taught you the game?

Buddy Atkinson Jr.

One of the question that I've asked many skaters is: How long did it take you to learn to go over the rail safely?

I learned how to do it in one night.  After you go over the rail a few times, you get use to it!

Can you give me an example of what you are supposed to do when going over the rail?

I was taught that you grab your hand at the kick rail and have your legs follow you.  Hopefully you will land on your feet.

I remember when you skated for the Enforcers and you went over the rail and landed on the concrete floor.  I had asked you if you were ok.  You looked at me, shrugged your shoulders and said, "Ah piece of cake".  When another skater does hit you and you go over the rail do you have good reflexes and enough training to handle the rail without getting seriously injured?

You have to prepare yourself to react very quickly by having good reflexes.  This took some training.  I once dislocated 2 ribs and 1 collarbone.  In addition, I messed my ACL, (knee).

What Roller Jam team was your favorite to skate on? Why?

I would say the Florida Sundogs!  Our team was like a family! We were all so close and we had good friendships!  However, I also liked the NY Enforcers.  I had fun being MEAN!

Which skater or skaters was your biggest competitor?

Let see my least likely competitor was Stacey Blitch!  She hits very hard.  However, the one that I competed the most was Jannet Abraham.  When I had gone on a jam and was ready to score some points against the Enforcers, Jannet did a terrific job blocking me.  I remember when I passed her for a point; she went after me and threw me over the rail.  Jannet is a very STRONG person!

What makes you get enthusiastic to play your hardest in the game?

I would say the fans!  They give you a lot of motivation.  Without the fans, the game would be boring!

What female skaters did you fear?

Like I said before, Stacey Blitch!

Are you friends with skaters that were on opposing teams when you are off the track?

Yea, I had some friends like Katie Cooper and Debbie Rice.  However, I didn't hang out with most of the skaters.

Where did you buy your skates?  Was it at a specialty shop?

I bought my inline skates at Wheels of Florida, which was located in Orlando.  My skates were Rydell 100-hard boots with good support.  I had 4 inline wheels for each skate.

What skater or trainer did you admire the most?  Why?

Buddy Atkinson Jr.  I felt he was very fair.  I always thought he was very approachable.  He seemed to care about his skaters!

When you are in other kinds of skating competitions, (non-Jam/Derby) do you wear the same in-line skates?

No I skate with different inline skates . I had speed skates, called Miller skates extended four wheels.  The extended wheel was the length of a 5-wheel frame.

What other careers have you pursued when not skating?

I am a personal trainer.  In addition, I teach inline skating.  I have a level 2 certificate.

What are some of your hobbies?

Yes I do.  Of course I love inline skating.  I also enjoy mountain bike riding.  I also love to travel.  I've been to the Netherlands.  I go every year.  I‘ve also loved Europe.

What did you think of the fans?  Did you have any favorite fans out there?

The FANS were great!  I remember this one little girl who to this day e-mails me.  I remembered her e-mail address, (sugarcane).  Yet I just can't remember her name at this moment.

Are you interested in skating for future Derby leagues, such as the Roller Sport League>  If so, what can do you expect positively from this new league?

I not interested in skating the Derby/Jam anymore.  I don't think my body can take it any more!

What is your rule of thumb?

Mine is: Dreams come at no expense, unless you dreamt your life away.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?

I plan to be retired.  Working out and keeping in shape and being healthy.  In addition, I would like to continue to travel.

Well, Andrea. Thank you for this interview.  You were a great asset to all your teams and Roller Jam!  You also have a terrific personality on and off the track!



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