Tribute courtesy of Phil Berrier, Roller Derby Forum
Ed Potter
One of Derby's great referees, ED POTTER, passed away. This is terrible news.
Ed began officiating games back in the mid 50s and was out there until the late 60s and was a regular fixture on Derby's national road tour.
If you've ever seen the movie DERBY, in the beginning when Mike Snell comes into the men's dressing room to speak with Charlie O'Connell, you see ED POTTER coming out of one of the cubicles.
There's a famous 1968 Roller Derby program (pink cover) with a photo from an outdoor game with a Pioneer (maybe Eddie Krebs) tussling with a Bomber (maybe Gil Orozco) and there's ED POTTER in the photo coming up to the rail to break up the fight.
There's also a memorable 1959 game with the LA Braves against the Bay Bombers in which Mary Youpelle is thrown out of the game and it's ED POTTER who's escorting her to the ladies' dressing room.
ED POTTER loved Roller Derby and its skaters. He was bigger-than-life and told incredible stories relishing every detail. Whenever he would come to town, he'd make sure to get in touch with you. He took great delight in transporting brand new fire engines across the country in order for these trucks to be delivered to their new fire house. He came to Des Moines in September, 2002 for Gerry Murray's birthday party and captivated everyone with his personality and love of the game. He was a regular fixture at the 'Has Been' reunion in Laughing, NV every year.
He leaves behind a wonderful wife, BETTY, two sons, loving family and friends.
ED POTTER will be missed by many, but his place in Roller Derby will never be forgotten. Thank you, Ed, for all you did. May your eternal sleep be filled with the joy that comes only with the roar... the roar of wheels on a banked track and the roar of fans, like us, cheering you and the impact your life made upon so many.
Gary Powers
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